Freshwater fish for 10 gallon tank
Freshwater fish for 10 gallon tank

If you are mixing territorial fish species, the new ones should be at least the same size as the largest and most aggressive fish already in the aquarium. That is why it is best to buy fish that are about the same size as the others in your aquarium. Even a relatively peaceful fish species will try to eat other fish if they think they can. Most fish will be opportunistic with food. There have been many reports of larger predatory fish coexisting with feeder fish they could easily swallow but don’t because both fish were the same size when introduced, before the predatory fish grew larger and learned to eat other fish. Young fish can often be mixed with a wider selection of aquarium mates because they’ll be more likely to accept them as they grow and mature. The age of a fish is also an important aspect to consider when building a community tank because juvenile fish typically tend to be easier going even if they are known to be aggressive as adults. For example, finding an appropriate fish compatible with Bettas can be challenging but our experts can help advise you.

Freshwater fish for 10 gallon tank how to#

Having a large aquarium with plenty of cover and décor does help, but many of these types of fish are best kept as individuals with tank mates that aren’t similar-looking or closely related.Īsking our fish experts at The Ocean Floor about how to put together a community fish tank with a variety of species is always a good option. It is important to research the fish species you are considering before trying to stock your aquarium with them.Ĭichlids, Loaches, Knife Fish, and other territorial fish do not often share aquarium space well with members of their own kind or closely related fish species. These fish signals can sometimes be misinterpreted by other fish in the aquarium because fish from different parts of the world sort of speak different languages. Species of the Fishįreshwater fish species, just like all animals, communicate in a variety of ways. This deters the dominant fish from singling out the weaker/submissive fish. The best practice for purchasing schooling fish is to buy them in groups of six or more. Schooling fish are also less likely to be picked on when kept in large numbers.

freshwater fish for 10 gallon tank freshwater fish for 10 gallon tank

Some freshwater species, such as Tiger Barbs, Tetras, and Danios can be a little boisterous at times but tend to behave better when in large schools. When planning the environment for a combination of freshwater fish varieties, consider these issues: Quantity of Fish Conversely, a tall and narrow aquarium fits better into narrow spaces but doesn’t offer as much swimming area or territory as a wider aquarium, so these aquariums are best used for less active species like the Discus, Angelfish, and Gourami. For example, a wider aquarium gives active fish like the Danio and Barb the space to spread out, which as mentioned in the previous paragraph, helps them get along better. Aquarium Dimensionsĭifferent fish species prefer different shaped aquariums and swimming spaces. What also may seem like a large aquarium to us (for example more than 200 gallons), is still a small fraction of the space a fish would typically have access to in their natural habitat. It is also important to remember the fish you buy will probably grow a bit, and a 40-gallon aquarium doesn’t truly hold 40 gallons of water when you consider such elements as internal dimensions, gravel, and plants or decorations. However, territorial fish will need even more space. The reason is, when fish are crowded together, they become more agitated and anxious and are therefore more likely to fight with their tank mates.Ī commonly used rule for stocking an aquarium is one inch of adult size fish per net gallon of aquarium capacity. Aquarium SizeĮvery fish will need some amount of space to be content, and the more space a fish has, the more likely they are to get along. There are numerous factors to consider when choosing your aquarium, accessories and decor. 6) Managuense Cichlid, Red Hook Silver Dollar, and Pictus Catfish.5) Discus, Rummy Nose Tetra, and Cardinal Tetra.2) African Cichlids and Synodontis Catfish.

freshwater fish for 10 gallon tank

1) Apistogramma Dwarf Cichlid and Green Neon Tetra.Recommended Freshwater Aquarium Fish Combinations:.

Freshwater fish for 10 gallon tank