Ivisible letter
Ivisible letter

ivisible letter

const zeroPad = num => ‘00000000’.slice(String(num).length) + num const textToBinary = username => ( username.split('').map(char => zeroPad(char.charCodeAt(0).toString(2))).join(' ') ) Ģ: Taking the binary-converted username and further converting it into zero-width characters This iterates through the binary string and converts each 1 into a zero-width space and each 0 into a zero-width non-joiner character. If said text was posted elsewhere the zero-width character string could be extracted and the process reversed to figure out the username of the person who copied it! Fingerprinting the Text:ġ: Taking the logged-in users’ username and converting it to binary Here we are just converting each letter of the username into its binary equivalent. The zero-width string could then be invisibly inserted into the text.


The exact steps and logic are detailed below but to put it simply the username string would be converted into its binary form and then the binary would be converted into a series of zero-width characters representing each binary digit.


The code examples have been updated to use modern JavaScript but the overall logic is the same. I saw a lot of interest in zero-width characters from a recent post by Zach Aysan so I thought I’d publish this method here along with an interactive demo to share with everyone. I created a script that allowed the team to invisibly fingerprint each announcement with the username of the user it is being displayed to. The security of the site seemed pretty tight so the theory was that a logged-in user was simply copying the announcement and posting it elsewhere. Eventually these announcements would appear elsewhere on the web, posted to mock the team and more significantly ensuring the message board was redundant for sharing confidential information and tactics. This team had a private message board, used to post important announcements amongst other things. A few years ago I was a member of a team that participated in competitive tournaments across a variety of video games. Well, the original reason isn’t too exciting. It certainly can do, and you would have no idea Why?

Ivisible letter